Hrmm..where to start?
How about here?
4th May 1998
I was born in King Edward Hospital, 3:20am in the morning
May 1998
Bared my first toothless gummies
21st June 1998
Christened Marcus Lee Perera in Faith Community Church
June 1998
*giggle* first laugh!
July 1998
First ride in an aeroplane! Up 'n' awaY!!
August 1998
I discovered my legs, so my parents took me for a spin in the jolly jumper..wheeee!
September 1998
I started on solids!! YAY!
early November 1998
First roll-over
November 1998
Began to crawl..EVERYWHERE!
late November 1998
Uttered my first word. MUMMUM!
early December 1998
I can sit up! Ooh what's on tv?
December 1998
Got a tooth!
December 1998
My legs and sense of balance grew stronger so i could walk around tables, supporting myself
January 1999
I stood up ALL by myself!
April 1999 step for baby, GIANT step for babykind! Toddled nine steps in Mandurah
4th May 1999
My First Birthday!!! Par-TAY!
August 1999
Baby's First Haircut..ack..I was hoping for the afro look..
March 2000
At the moment I'm in Singapore with my daddy. I just learnt my ABC's (to E anyway..just 21 more letters to go) and I can count to 15 (in the right order too)!!
late March 2000
flew back to Perth first time in 3 months for my mummy and daddy's graduation (photos in gallery). And told my first lie!! *heh heh* (and the last we hope!) Ask my yeeyee for details.
So what's next for me? Times tables? Cartwheels? Reciting the Bible in Spanish?
Stay tuuuuned!

| Bring me back already!
| Marcus-Talk
| My Wonderful Life
| My Photo Album |